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Bayer CONTOUR™ Plus Glucose Test Meter

(0 đánh giá)

What this meter does: The CONTOUR™PLUS meter system helps you test with ease and uses highly accurate CONTOUR™PLUS test strips.

Who this meter suits: The CONTOUR™PLUS meter system has simple and advanced features to meet your testing needs, from basic to more in-depth.

CONTOUR™ meters will display blood glucose measurements in your country’s standard metric (mg/dL or mmol/L).

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Contour plus one exceeds ISO 15197: 2013 accuracy criteria both in the laboratory and in a clinical setting- accuracy beyond benchmarks
Helps patients test with confidence: second-chance sampling (60 sec) and sip-in sampling- highly accurate even on the second attempt, helps avoid lancing a second time and wasting strips
Smart light feature: Alerts patients on critical high and critically low blood glucose levels
Contour diabetes app: Seamlessly connects via Bluetooth technology- helps set reminders to check and add appointments to the doctor’s schedule
Helps in permanent connection to the database results which enables to record the results of measuring blood sugar
Fast and easy-to-read results
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Insert the grey end of a CONTOUR™PLUS test strip into the meter. The meter will turn on
When the Apply Blood screen appears, touch the test strip to the drop of blood. Hold it there until the meter beeps
Your test result will appear after a 5-second countdown. To turn the meter off, simply remove the test strip

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